Exploring the Womb 26-28. Week
In the last 3 months of pregnancy, as we move towards birth, our baby will grow half his height and triple his weight. Over the next four weeks, his brain and nervous system will continue to develop. Their eyes open as their eyelids open and their eyelashes grow. His hair has grown, quince hair has covered his body, his toenails have become visible, and most of the wrinkles on his skin have disappeared due to the effect of the fatty tissue that started to form under the skin. By the 26th week, we can hear the baby's heartbeat by placing an ear on the mother's belly. The baby's heart beats twice as fast as its mother's. Heartbeats are a good indicator of a baby's overall health. The mother's pulse and blood pressure are directly affected by her emotional state. If the mother is calm, her pulse slows down and her blood pressure rises. If the mother is tense and stressed, her heart rate accelerates and her blood pressure rises. Short-term stress experienced by the mother can lead to low birth weight and premature birth. However, when anxiety and stress last for a long time, it can also affect the baby. It can create a tendency for stress in the child and increase chronic health problems such as heart diseases and diabetes in later ages. It can even harm the child's mental development in the first years of his life.
Fetal Surgery
More invasive fetal surgery involves operating on the baby while it is still in the womb. An incision is made in the mother's abdomen, just enough for the surgeon to have direct access to the baby. After the surgery is completed, stitches are placed and the mother gives birth to the baby a few weeks or months later. This technique has been used with varying success rates since the 1980s in the treatment of some diseases such as obstruction in the urinary tract system, diaphragmatic hernia, twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, and a type of tumor formation at the base of the spine called sacrococcygeal teratoma. Surgeons operating on fetuses with spina bifida is very new.
Awakening of the Senses
The baby experiences one of the most exciting periods of its development in the last 3 months of pregnancy. This is the time when the baby receives the first stimulation from the world after its senses are revived. Now, most of the sensory organs have matured. New generation 4D ultrasound scanners help us better understand the behavior of the growing and developing fetus, and therefore its reactions to sensory stimulation. With the increase in technological development and experience, this world, which was previously impossible to see, is becoming a little brighter. Thanks to these scanning techniques, it has been revealed that the fetus opens and closes its eyes frequently when it is 6 months old. When the pregnancy is halfway through, its eyes are fully formed, but vision is a sense that the baby cannot experience before birth. Because the inside of the womb is very dark. The eyes become sensitive to light starting from the 28th week, but it takes a long time after birth for the perception of form and color and the ability to focus the eyes to complete their development. Researchers have reported that fetuses can be startled when photo flashes are shone on the mother's navel, and they have warned that exposing fetuses to bright light can be dangerous. The retinal damage seen in premature babies, which was previously thought to be caused by the high concentration of oxygen administered in intensive care, may actually be caused by excessive exposure to light at a very early stage of development. Scans show that babies frequently stick out their tongues in the sixth month. It is not known why the baby does this, but it is known that his mouth is full of taste buds during this period. The baby's mouth and nose are constantly filled with amniotic fluid. Amniotic fluid can carry the taste and smell of the food the mother eats. Therefore, pungent tastes can easily pass from the mother's bloodstream to the placenta, to the baby's bloodstream, and finally to the amniotic fluid, allowing the baby to taste the food his mother has cooked. Developed sense of taste and smell helps the baby take the first sip of breast milk after birth. There are three groups of odorant receptors that capture odor molecules. These are firstly grades 5-11. It occurs in weeks. Taste buds develop in the 12th and 13th weeks. It is not known how much the baby absorbs tastes and smells, but premature babies at 33 weeks suck on sweetened pacifiers more strongly than plain pacifiers, and premature babies at 26 weeks may respond to the smell. The baby is completely surrounded by amniotic fluid, and since sounds travel through fluid four times faster than through air, the baby has a lot to hear. The loudest sound the baby can hear may occur during an ultrasound scan. Ultrasound can cause secondary waves in the amniotic fluid that the baby can hear.
Pain And Pleasure
In four-dimensional ultrasound scans, the fetus is observed grimacing and frowning as the probe moves over the mother's abdomen. This shows that the senses in the fetus extend to the smallest points. Even though its structures are formed and its brain is developed, researchers are not yet sure whether the fetus can actually feel pain. Even not reacting to pain does not mean that there is no pain. It is certain that fetuses can make many facial expressions at 20 weeks of age. Four-dimensional scans have revealed that babies not only grimace, but also smile and even laugh.
Trick And Skill
Most of the very important skills and skills that the baby needs to survive outside, such as the sucking reflex, are innate behaviors that develop in the womb.
Sucking is one of the most important reflexes that is perfected before birth. The ability to suckle from the breast is fully developed at 35-36. It takes a week. Newborn babies have the seeking reflex, which helps them find and attach to the nipple, starting from the 32nd week. During ultrasound scans, he starts sucking his thumb. The ability to use the right or left hand, which the baby will continue throughout his life, is acquired in the womb, not in the early years of childhood, as is thought.
Although she has been practicing swallowing since her 3rd month in the womb, she will swallow approximately half a liter of amniotic fluid per day during the last 3 months of pregnancy. Drinking amniotic fluid helps the development of the fetus's digestive system and maintains the balance of salt and fluid in the amniotic sac.
A sudden noise or a sudden touch
It causes the baby to shake his arms and legs to one side, open his hands, stretch his fingers and spread them apart. In newborn babies; The startle reflex may be an attempt to prepare oneself against a negative situation that may occur for self-protection purposes.
In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the mother can feel the baby moving every day. These movements usually take the form of kicking or pushing. But sometimes your baby; Hiccups may also be felt with involuntary, sudden diaphragm contraction. According to some research, hiccuping is a reflex that helps the baby latch on to the nipple for feeding. The contraction caused by the fetus hiccuping is strong enough to be felt, but since there is no air in the baby's lungs, the hiccup is silent.
Learning and Memory 29-34. Week
The baby gains weight rapidly as he stores layers of fat and muscle under his thickened skin. The body becomes tidier and the arms and legs become fuller. His nails have grown to his fingertips. Their senses are awakened and the cerebral cortex is mature enough to support the state of consciousness. He begins to become aware of the world around him and his brain attempts to create memories for the first time. Recognizes and remembers the rhythm of his mother's voice. It even reacts. Researchers have found that newborn babies' cries carry some of the mother's speech rhythms and characteristics. The music a baby is exposed to can change his or her mood. Fast music stimulates and excites the baby. Music that is close to natural sounds and contains human voice rhythms, such as classical or choir music, has a calming and soothing effect. In fact, when the same music is played many times, the baby can remember it. At 33 weeks, just past the 8th month, the baby can recognize a piece of music and even keep time. In one study, it was observed that babies who were listened to the music of a certain television series during pregnancy became more attentive and stopped crying when the same theme was played after birth. In a similar study, mothers repeated a children's poem every day from the 33rd to the 37th week. Reading this poem to babies after they were born caused a steady drop in the babies' heart rate.
Life story
The basic genetic blueprint for our life and death is passed on to us through the genes we inherit from our parents, but most of the diseases we contract in adulthood are the result of the interaction of certain genes and our environment in the womb. The underlying causes of heart disease, obesity, high blood pressure, osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes can be traced back to conditions in the womb. It has long been known that very young babies have a high risk of heart disease when they grow up. It is clear that the developing fetus and growing child have the ability to store fat during rare times of abundance. Even in Western societies, people born 10-20 years ago consume more fat and sugar than their own mothers did.
Four-dimensional scans have revealed that babies sleep with REM sleep marked by rapid eye movements. REM is a period of sleep in which the eyes move rapidly while closed. These rapid eye movements may be a sign that the baby is dreaming. In the early stages of pregnancy, calm and active periods alternate unceremoniously. After five months, this cycle of what appears to be sleep and wakefulness emerges. At about the 8th month, signs appear that there is a coordination between the baby's eye and body movements, pulse and brain activity, compatible with the regular REM sleep and deep sleep cycle. At 32 weeks, the baby spends 95 percent of the day asleep, even if he or she is constantly fidgeting and moving 50 times an hour or more.
Alone 35-38. Week
Just past the ninth week, approximately 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections are formed in the baby's brain. Although it is the first organ to form, the brain completes its formation last. Unlike most organs, the brain, which is almost formed on the 50th day, becomes more complex as pregnancy progresses and continues to develop for a long time after birth. If born at week 35, the baby may survive without medical assistance. However, the longer he stays in the womb, the healthier he will be born. As his growth slows down towards birth, in the last weeks he spends in the womb, approximately 25-30 grams of fat is added to his body every day and he becomes plump. When you are born, 16% of your body is fat. His nails have grown so long that they extend beyond his fingertips. It can grasp an object tightly and turn to light on its own. The last stage of pregnancy is a difficult phase for the mother. Most women feel uncomfortable in the last few months. The weight of the baby, the pressure it creates on the spine, and the effort to make room for itself may cause the mother to suffer from back and leg pain. They may have concerns about labor and may experience shortness of breath as their lungs try to take in 20% more oxygen than normal. The baby can now hear, taste and smell, and feel contact. It is most likely upside down in the womb. (She is ready for birth.) Mom, this is different.
Tek Başına Hayatta Kalmak
Fetüs, 26 ila 29. Haftalar arasında önemli bir dönüm noktasına gelir. Bu hafalarda doğsaydı ana rahminin koruyuculuğu dışındada hayatta kalabilirdi.Yine de yoğun bakıma ihtiyacı olurdu ama merkezi sinir sistemi, ritmik soluk alıp verme hareketlerini yönetecek, sindirim sistemindeki kasılmaları koordine edecek ve vücut sıcaklığını kontrol altında tutacak kadar olgunlaşmış, akciğerleri ve kan damarları, havadaki oksijen-karbondioksit alışverişini yapacak kadar gelişmiştir. 22 haftalıkken doğan bebeklerin, özellikle doğum ağırlıkları çok düşük değilse nadiren hayatta kaldıkları da görülür.Erken doğan bebeklerin hepsi yüksek bir beyin hasarı riski taşır;26. Haftadan önce doğan bebeklerin yaklaşık yarısında sakatlık ve öğrenme güçlükleri ortaya çıkar. Zamanında doğan normal bir bebek yaklaşık 3.4 kg ağırlığındadır. Doğduğunda ağırlığı 450 gramdan daha düşük olan bebekler genellikle hayatta kalmaz. Ağırlığı 1.5 ila 2.5 kg arasında olan bebeklerin büyük bir kısmı hayatta kalır ama yine de komplikasyonlar oluşabilir. Erken doğan bebeklerde görülen diğer komplikasyonlar arasında olgunlaşmamış sinir sistemi, böbrekler ve diğer organlar yer alır.Ayrıca, erken doğan bebekler genellikle enfeksiyonlara ve soğuk algınlığına açıktır.Önemli olan bebeğin doğduğunda gelişiminin hangi evresinde olduğudur.Bu nedenle, 38 haftada doğduğu halde erken doğduğu izlenimini verecek kadar küçük olan bebeklerin de özel ilgiye ihtiyacı vardır.