The use of medical treatment during pregnancy is a potential risk for both mother and baby. The concentration of the drug used in the fetus is around 20-80% of the maternal concentration. This decrease in concentration depends on drug metabolism in the placenta and fetus.
Although many women use prescribed medications during pregnancy, international studies have shown that
There are few valid studies on the types of drugs prescribed and the amount/dose prescribed. A woman is pregnant
drug exposure when documented by medical care systems (e.g., after the first prenatal visit)
data begins to be recorded.
In an international study conducted on a large group of pregnant women; Pregnant women consume significant amounts of vitamins and minerals
It was stated that they were taking other medications. 40% of these are in category C as classified by the FDA.
It was determined that she was using medication (indication for use during pregnancy has not been proven).
Drug use in pregnant women is a very sensitive issue. Especially considering that the effects of many drugs on pregnant women have not been proven; Decisions about drug use should never be made without consulting a doctor. Only vitamin, mineral and iron supplements are beneficial for pregnant women. Support supplements should also be used under the supervision of a doctor.
(Please consult your doctor for detailed information.)